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getFadeIn() - function in io.puharesource.mc.titlemanager.api.v2.animation.AnimationFrame
If the frame is used in a title or subtitle, then this will be the time it takes for the title to fade onto the screen.
getFadeOut() - function in io.puharesource.mc.titlemanager.api.v2.animation.AnimationFrame
If the frame is used in a title or subtitle, then this will be the time it takes for the title to fade off of the screen.
getFooter(Player) - function in io.puharesource.mc.titlemanager.api.v2.TitleManagerAPI
Gets the player list footer that is currently being displayed for the given Player.
getHeader(Player) - function in io.puharesource.mc.titlemanager.api.v2.TitleManagerAPI
Gets the player list header that is currently being displayed for the given Player.
getIsContinuous() - function in io.puharesource.mc.titlemanager.api.v2.animation.SendableAnimation
If true, then the Animation will loop when it hits the last frame, or until stop is called.
getIsRunning() - function in io.puharesource.mc.titlemanager.api.v2.animation.SendableAnimation
Checks whether or not the animation is currently running.
getPart() - function in io.puharesource.mc.titlemanager.api.v2.animation.AnimationPart
The part that should be displayed.
getRegisteredAnimations() - function in io.puharesource.mc.titlemanager.api.v2.TitleManagerAPI
Gets an immutable Map where the key is a String and value is a Animation.
getRegisteredScripts() - function in io.puharesource.mc.titlemanager.api.v2.TitleManagerAPI
Gets an immutable Set of all of the Script names registered.
getScoreboardTitle(Player) - function in io.puharesource.mc.titlemanager.api.v2.TitleManagerAPI
Gets the title of the given Player's scoreboard.
getScoreboardValue(Player,Integer) - function in io.puharesource.mc.titlemanager.api.v2.TitleManagerAPI
Gets the text value of the given Player's scoreboard at the given index.
getStay() - function in io.puharesource.mc.titlemanager.api.v2.animation.AnimationFrame
The time the frame should be shown.
getText() - function in io.puharesource.mc.titlemanager.api.v2.animation.AnimationFrame
The text.
getTotalTime() - function in io.puharesource.mc.titlemanager.api.v2.animation.AnimationFrame
The combined time the frame should stay on the screen.
giveDefaultScoreboard(Player) - function in io.puharesource.mc.titlemanager.api.v2.TitleManagerAPI
Gives the Player a scoreboard as a sidebar.
giveScoreboard(Player) - function in io.puharesource.mc.titlemanager.api.v2.TitleManagerAPI
Gives the Player a scoreboard as a sidebar.
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